Abraham Lincoln's legacy to North America... and the World
The Civil War: 1861-1865
Abraham Lincoln (Died 1865)
Lincoln Presidency March 1861-April 1865
--> "...From 1863 to 1868, the U.S. Military persecuted and imprisoned 9,500 Navajo (the Diné) and 500 Mescalero Apache (the N’de). Living under armed guards, in holes in the ground, with extremely scarce rations, it is no wonder that more than 3,500 Navajo and Mescalero Apache men, women, and children died while in the concentration camp." <--
Yes, the very dates when Abraham Lincoln is in power, are the dates mentioned in the article. Lincoln was a great inspiration for Adolf Hitler and others like him, indeed!
Hitler’s Inspiration and Guide: The Native American Holocaust
(Source: Jewish Journal)
"...While attending the annual Garifuna Film Festival held here in Los Angeles, we watched films about indigenous cultures, and saw the 1985 Academy Award-winning documentary Broken Rainbow, directed by Victoria Mudd, which discusses the history of injustice towards the Native American people. The film talked about The Long Walk of the Navajo, which was the 1864 deportation and attempted ethnic cleansing of the Navajo people by the U.S. government. 8,000 Navajos were forced to walk more than 300 miles at gunpoint from their ancestral homelands in northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico to an internment camp in Bosque Redondo, which was a desolate tract on the Pecos River in eastern New Mexico. Many died along the way. From 1863 to 1868, the U.S. Military persecuted and imprisoned 9,500 Navajo (the Diné) and 500 Mescalero Apache (the N’de). Living under armed guards, in holes in the ground, with extremely scarce rations, it is no wonder that more than 3,500 Navajo and Mescalero Apache men, women, and children died while in the concentration camp."
As Pulitzer Prize-winning author, John Toland, notes in his book Adolf Hitler (pg. 202):
Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination—by starvation and uneven combat—of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.
He was very interested in the way the Indian population had rapidly declined due to epidemics and starvation when the United States government forced them to live on the reservations. He thought the American government's forced migrations of the Indians over great distances to barren reservation land was a deliberate policy of extermination. Just how much Hitler took from the American example of the destruction of the Indian nations is hard to say; however, frightening parallels can be drawn.
Who can deny the obvious? Lincoln and General Sherman were far more akin to Hitler than to any civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King.
But, that was only the beginning.
The British Empire observed the genocide, and their intellectuals pondered over the question of race... like the North American motto "Kill the Indian, Save the Man" as they enslaved Natives in Reservations (Concentration Camps) they thought to "civilize" the natives around the world, while others argued the brown races could never be civilized, and only to be exterminated. The British Race inevitably discovered its own "Manifest Destiny" . . .
BBC Documentary -- Scientific Racism The Eugenics of Social Darwinism
The "Expansionist" vision of the American Colonists was emulated by the British (see 28:48 of the documentary)
"One writer compared the extermination of these natives by white settlers, as being like, 'the melting of snow before the advancing rays of the sun.'
Francis Galton's wicked genius in Pseudo-scientific "Racial Theory" further (29:48)
"'neatly explained and JUSTIFIED the global expansion of the great British race'"(but offering a scientific basis, further bolstering racial extermination as a legitimate undertaking). This "Honest Abe Lincoln" who freed no slaves, would be bothered by it in the least? He was part of the inspiration behind it!
What began in the 1400's, 1500's, 1600's... with "God clearing passage" for Anglo-Saxon protestants by use of his favorite weapon of choice, Smallpox,to kill the indians evolved over the next couple centuries into the quasi-Religious doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" -- which, had been amply proven as "divine providence," Abraham Lincoln didn't even think to question it.
Manifest Destiny for the "Anglo-Saxon Protestant" (God's Chosen) inspired The Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears/Wounded Knee) etc... and no sooner than America was completing its quest to expand from "Sea to Shining Sea" -- inspired the British Empire to do the same.
The British Empire brutalized natives around the world.. tactics successfully devised by Abraham Lincoln's bloody toadies and those who came before him (such as starving people into submission through slaughter of their livestock and destruction of crops, as Sherman had done during the Civil War on the South) the rape and pillaging and burning was turned West, against the Natives. Sherman slaughtered the buffalo to cripple the Indians.
Genocide by starvation was carried out by the British Empire, and Hitler, likewise... quite the fan of Abraham Lincoln.
Hitler had a deep appreciation for the efficiency of the American exterminators of Indians, the British Empire likewise... Hitler learned from American as well as British exploits in Africa and elsewhere... Hitler learned from Lenin, who also had perfected the Gulag labor-death concentration camp...
Stalin studied Hitler and Lenin...
Mao studied Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler...
No dictator is created in a vaccum.
What could the colonial Exterminator mean, when he spoke of "Cutting down the Natives' Corn"? -- Genocide by Starvation and the criminal exterminators took it to a whole new level, when General Sherman entered the South during the Civil War, torching everything in slight -- wholesale slaughter of livestock. These extermination tactics, through starvation, were so effective in crushing the South that Sherman contemplated using it as a policy to break the Natives.
Christian exterminators: “God’s Will, which will at last give us cause to say: How Great is His Goodness! and How Great is his Beauty!” “Thus doth the Lord Jesus make them to bow before him, and to lick the Dust!” Moreover, “Peace treaties were signed with every intention to violate them: when the Indians ‘grow secure upon (sic) the treaty’, advised the Council of State in Virginia, ‘we shall have the better Advantage both to surprise them, & cut down their Corn.’”
"Cut down their corn" ... interesting, perhaps to people like Adolf Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and other insanely power-thirsty dictators... but especially, Sherman's brutal war crimes -- it must have made delightful reading for the Fuhrer, Mao, Stalin and Lenin alike who specialized and perfected the art of "Genocide by Starvation".
Genocide by Other Means: U.S. Army Slaughtered Buffalo in Plains Indian Wars
"...As the U.S. government and its restless people looked to expand westward after the Civil War, they started to infringe upon Indian lands. During the Plains Indian Wars, as the U.S. Army attempted to drive Indians off the Plains and into reservations, the Army had little success because the warriors could live off the land and elude them—wherever the buffalo flourished, the Indians flourished. But pressure on the Army to contain the Indians increased in the 1860s when gold was discovered in the Montana Territory, and part of what is now eastern Wyoming became the route of the Bozeman Trail, the quickest way to get to the mines in Montana. This trail cut through sacred ground for the Sioux, as well as their prime hunting grounds—the “best game country in the world,” according to one veteran trapper. The Sioux regularly attacked travelers on the Bozeman Trail, and Army forts were set up to protect travelers through the Powder River Basin. During the Indians’ clashes with settlers, prospectors and U.S. Cavalry to protect a last bastion of their food supply in what became known as Red Cloud’s War, U.S. Army Captain Fetterman bragged, “With 80 men I could ride through the whole Sioux Nation.” He soon got the chance to back up that boast: Captain Fetterman and his men met with some representatives of the Sioux Nation and their allies, led by Crazy Horse, on December 21, 1866, in the Powder River Basin, and the result of that battle is remembered in history books as the Fetterman Massacre—all 81 men in his party were slain. It was the Army’s worst defeat on the Plains until the Battle of Little Bighorn, 10 years later, and forced it to pull out of the area after the Fort Laramie Treaty was signed in April 1868.General William Tecumseh Sherman, who had broken the back of the South during the Civil War with his ruthless March to the Sea, helped negotiate the Fort Laramie and 1867 Medicine Lodge treaties that were supposed to end U.S. hostilities with northern and southern tribes. But that’s when officers started thinking about a new strategy. Sherman knew that during the Civil War the Confederates’ means and will to fight were extinguished by his brutal—and brutally effective—”scorched earth” policy that decimated the infrastructure of the South. Why couldn’t the same strategy be applied to Indians and their buffalo? Greymorning said, “The government realized that as long as this food source was there, as long as this key cultural element was there, it would have difficulty getting Indians onto reservations.”
Isenberg said, “Some Army officers in the Great Plains in the late 1860s and 1870s, including William Sherman and Richard Dodge, as well as the Secretary of the Interior in the 1870s, Columbus Delano, foresaw that if the bison were extinct, the Indians in the Great Plains would have to surrender to the reservation system.” Colonel Dodge said in 1867, “Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone,” and Delano wrote in his 1872 annual report, “The rapid disappearance of game from the former hunting-grounds must operate largely in favor of our efforts to confine the Indians to smaller areas, and compel them to abandon their nomadic customs.”
“As a policy statement, I think that’s pretty clear,” Isenberg said. The Army had already used a similar strategy—In its 1863-1864 campaign against the Navajos, led by Colonel Kit Carson, the Army destroyed tens of thousands of sheep in a successful effort to subdue the Navajos.
There was one tactical flaw with this strategy: too many buffalo. But while it wasn’t feasible for the U.S. Army to kill tens of millions of bison, it was feasible for the Army to let hunters use their forts as bases of operation and stand by as they slaughtered the animals in staggering numbers. Another key strategy here was that the Army made no effort to enforce all those treaty obligations forbidding whites to hunt on Indian lands. Whites could needlessly kill a bison for “sport” but when an Indian killed cattle for food for his family because of the growing scarcity of bison, he was severely reprimanded."
The Myth of the Great Emancipator
The only defense for the genocidal butcher, Abraham Lincoln, is the MYTH... the need for a "happy ending" like Hollywood movies portray heroes ... somebody has to be a hero, right? There's got to be a "good guy" ... somewhere in the bleak, dismal? Right??
Real life is very different:
- NOT ONE policy was devised by Lincoln, with all his learned expertees in legal matters and the hostile racial atmosphere, to guarantee slaves be safe, secure, and the right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" post-slavery. NOT ONE POLICY. Therefore, former slaves, ended up right back in slavery via Peonage system of exploitation.
- The 'emancipation proclamation' only theoretically freed slaves in the southern nation, "Confederate States of America." Slaves under Lincoln's jurisdiction, remained in slavery. Lincoln's crafty use of legaleeze-speak was a close as it was going to get to Lincoln doing squat for people he did not consider his "brother".
- The best effort he ever mustered concerning the fate of black lives, was to meet with representatives of the black race, and encouraged them to support his policy to remove the blacks from the continent and send them back to Africa or colonize them in Liberia, and THAT was Lincoln's only desire. Not to live among them as equals.
Beyond that, no further effort was forthcoming from Lincoln.
Any who doubt the racist, genocidal butcher Lincoln and his maniac right hand man, General Sherman, were merely "closeted" abolitionists have failed to see "Honest Abe Lincoln" was being completely honest when in his letter of 1862 regarding his ONLY OBJECTIVE, for the Civil War:
---> Executive Mansion,
---> Washington, August 22, 1862.
---> Hon. Horace Greeley:
---> Dear Sir.
---> As to the policy I "seem to be pursuing" as you say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt.
---> I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.<---
How could Lincoln be any more clear about his true intentions?
Lincoln's ONLY objective in the Civil War was to "Save the Union". Nothing more. Nothing less. The man put it in plain English, and yet people feel the dogged persistent need to find something in his motives, that simply wasn't there... and he said so, point blank in plain-spoken-English.
There's nothing "hidden" between the lines.
Everything Lincoln wrote, is stated in the very way any other racist exterminator would've stated their true intentions.
"Honest Abe Lincoln" says in plain English,
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery."
PLAIN ENGLISH. Ignore the facts as they will.
"To save the Union..."why the all-encompassing need?
Lincoln, was on a mission from God himself, that's why.
"...The 19th-century belief that the United States would eventually encompass all of North America is known as "continentalism".[42] An early proponent of this idea was John Quincy Adams, a leading figure in U.S. expansion between the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and the Polk administration in the 1840s. In 1811, ADAMS WROTE to his father:
--->"...The whole continent of North America appears to be destined by DIVINE PROVIDENCE to be peopled by ONE NATION, speaking one language, professing one general system of religious and political principles, and accustomed to one general tenor of social usages and customs. For the common happiness of them all, for their peace and prosperity, I believe it is indispensable that they should be associated in one federal Union. <---(Source: "Manifest Destiny," Wikipedia)
"ONE FEDERAL UNION." Lincoln's objective like his predecessor, John Quincy Adams: to "Save the Union" for,
- Anglo-Saxon
- Protestant
- One nation
- under God
- One language
- One common civic religion
- One race.
Lincoln be like (paraphrased): "Ship the blacks back to Africa while my good man General Sherman enslave the remaining native beasts in concentration camps and teach them the Anglo-Saxon language, culture, religion... those who refuse to submit are to be exterminated through various means like starvation. Kill the Indian. Save the Man!"
And that was the TRUE Abraham Lincoln that Adolf Hitler admired with much fondness.
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